The Most Profitable Business in Bali  – Top 15 Ideas 2023

Profitable Business in Bali

If you’re wondering what business is the most profitable in Bali, then you’ve come to the right place. Below we present the 15 most profitable businesses that provide an opportunity for big profits in this beautiful region.

The most profitable branch of the economy in Bali is tourism. Over 100 million tourists visit Bali every year.

Agriculture is the second largest sector of the Bali’s economy. Bali’s agriculture-friendly climate offers a long growing season. Thanks to this, the production of various types of fruit, vegetables and animals pays off.

Bali’s third largest economy sector is international trade, which is so developed here thanks to many seaports.

The fourth largest sector of Bali’s economy is aerospace and manufacture and the fifth is life sciences sector. When starting new business in Bali, be sure to properly advertise your services on social media and on the Internet.

List of the Ideas for the Most Profitable Business in Bali

Many consumers and clients in Bali search for the things they need online, so to maximize your profits, your business should be clearly visible on the web.

1. Healthy organic food, restaurant, cafeteria or shop

Healthy dieting and organic food are becoming more and more popular. Most likely, this trend will strengthen in the coming years, so it’s worth investing in healthy, green businesses such as organic food restaurants.

2. Technological assistance for seniors

Older people often have problems using the latest technologies. Offer them help with TV operation, connecting a new internet, updating the system on a computer, configuration email, etc.

3. Jewelry

The production and trade of jewelry made of precious metals and stones is a profitable business, especially if you find a suitable niche in this area. High quality of jewelry and good advertising are the basis in this business.

4. Cyber security company

Nowadays, all serious companies, as well as many private individuals, need cyber security services.  Cybersecurity and IT services are one of the best areas for the most profitable business in Bali.

5. Child-oriented business

The business sector related to children has great potential and there is a lot of space for companies with creative and innovative ideas. Parents are willing to pay a lot if you provide good care or ambitious use of children’s time so that they learn and develop in a pleasant way.

6. Property rental

Property rental is a very profitable business in Bali. Especially if you have property near the beach, or near tourist attractions.

7. Landscaping and gardening

Many Bali residents have gardens. These gardens usually need landscaping, professional gardening and care.

8. Personal trainer

Personal Trainer You can opt to be a personal trainer at your local gym. You don’t have to have the equipment. Just rent a space in your local gym, and you’re good to go. Posting your training regimens online means that you can sell them as e-books and get more members to join.

9. Yoga instructor

With the continuous buzz about the benefits of Yoga, you may consider starting teaching yoga and meditation classes in your local community. Just rent out some space and market through flyers and social media.

10. Tattoo artist

You may consider opening a tattoo parlor where you can crank up your creative juices and draw amazing tattoos. You may also consider renting out a space in your local tattoo parlor.

11. Travel consultant

If you are a travel enthusiast, you may make money through writing blogs or conducting You Tube Videos about your travels. You may also market places or destinations that you tour, earning extra cash.

12. Event planning

Having been planning successful birthday parties for your kids, you may decide to venture out and try a more large-scale outlook. Go ahead and plan weddings, birthday parties, and cocktail events for your friends and family. At a fee of course. Some animal-related services you could provide are:

13. Financial advisor

How about using your financial literacy and offer consultations?  You may extend your services to businesses and individuals about managing their finances in the right way.

14. Management consultant

This consultancy business involves offering advice to your customers on how to effectively run their operations. Create a good portfolio that you can use to pitch to your potential clients.

15. Lawyer

Lawyer services are always in demand. If you are a licensed lawyer, why don’t you do some freelance work and help solve your client’s case? You may also set up your own business practice firm.


In summary, we can see that there are plenty of new business ideas for you to use to start a business in Bali

Not surprisingly, most of these home business ideas are internet-related; and even for businesses that are not online, you still can use the internet to market yourself and reach a wider customer base.

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Picture of Evo Syah

Evo Syah

I’m a web developer, with in-depth experience in digital marketing and design, who loves to read and run in Bali.

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