10 Great Small Business Ideas in Bali to Start in 2022

Great Business Ideas in Bali
  • Many of the best small business ideas for 2022 involve an online business model.
  • Choose a business idea that you are knowledgeable and passionate about.
  • Before starting a business, determine if there is a demand for what you want to provide.
  • This article is for anyone looking for an idea to start a business in Bali.

You know you want to start a business in Bali, but you’re having a tough time articulating your idea. If you want to become an entrepreneur, it’s important to start with a great business idea. All you need is a bit of inspiration. It all starts with an idea that has room to grow over time.

If you are thinking of starting a business in Bali in 2022, it is critical to take the new normal into account. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed so much about how people consume products and services. While starting a retail business or restaurant might have been good ideas previously, you might be best served to reconsider those thoughts until you see how the next year plays out.

Instead of some more traditional businesses, think about those that can support how people are now living their lives.

This list of business ideas includes 10 great types of business in Bali to help you find success in 2022 and beyond. If you find an area you want to pursue, be sure to review the steps for how to start your own business.

10 great small business ideas

1. Consultant

If you are knowledgeable and passionate about a specific topic (business, social media, marketing, human resources, leadership, communication, etc.), starting a consultant business can be a lucrative option. You can start your consulting business on your own, then grow your business and hire other consultants over time.

2. Online reseller

Those passionate about clothing and/or sales may want to consider starting an online reseller business. Although it takes a lot of time and dedication – and an eye for fashion – this is a great idea that you can start as a side hustle and turn into a full-time resale business.

You can start by using online store websites like Etsy to sell your unwanted clothing, eventually expanding to your own resale website.

3. Online Teaching

The demand for online education has opened up a wide possibility for entrepreneurs to start their own ventures. Since this is an online business idea, you can choose any subject you are knowledgeable about and teach a course regardless of your location.

If you don’t have advanced knowledge in any particular subject, you can always consider teaching English as a foreign language online to students overseas.

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4. Online bookkeeping

As with education, technology allows many bookkeeping services to be performed online. If you are an accountant or bookkeeper who wants the freedom and autonomy of running your own business, you can take advantage of modern technology to start your own online bookkeeping service, taking on other companies as clients.

5. Medical courier service

If you have a reliable vehicle and good time management skills, you may want to consider creating your own courier service – more specifically, a medical courier service. As a driver, you would be responsible for transporting medical items like lab specimens, prescription drugs and equipment.

The healthcare industry is expanding, which is great for medical courier service job stability. You could start your courier business on your own or hire other drivers to work for you.

6. App developer

If you are knowledgeable and experienced in technology, you may want to consider a career in app development.

Smartphones have become an everyday accessory for many Americans, which has increased demand for mobile apps. Similarly, virtual reality software has become popular in recent years, so there is also a demand for VR app development.

7. Freelance copywriter

If you’re a natural wordsmith with a bit of marketing knowledge, you can establish yourself as a freelance copywriter. Whether you write blogs, web content or press releases, plenty of companies will pay for your services.

You can increase your value by bringing SEO knowledge to the table to help your clients craft a strategy to attack specific keywords that their target audience is already using in their online searches. Most freelance copywriters charge $40 to $50 per hour, but those with expertise in a given vertical could charge even more.

Freelance copywriting is a great business to run, because as long as you have an internet connection, you can work. It’s a business that you can operate from the comfort of your own home, or even from the road if you travel. If you establish a large enough network and gain referrals from satisfied clients, you could even make freelance writing your full-time job.

8. Digital marketing

The importance of the internet grows with every passing day, making it harder all the time for businesses to cut through the clutter and properly market themselves. Digital marketing services are always in demand, and many small and midsize companies would rather outsource it than establish a costly in-house team.

If you’ve got chops in SEO, content marketing, pay-per-click, web development or social media management, you could have a business opportunity that allows you the freedom to work from home.

Digital marketing is an important part of a brand, so it’s critical for you to respond to developments in your clients’ marketing strategies. Social media management entails watching for comments and messages around the clock, not just scheduling posts in a “set-it-and-forget-it” mindset.

If you enjoy strategizing and implementing plans meticulously, digital marketing could be the right business for you. You may also consider becoming an affiliate marketer, which is another form of digital marketing.

9. Graphic designer

Corporations, small businesses and sole proprietors all need eye-catching promotional materials, but not nearly everybody has an eye for what looks good.

If you’ve got an artistic streak and know how to organize content into a visually pleasing format, you can start a graphic design business to provide flyers, digital ads, posters and other engaging visual materials. Graphic design also has the benefit of requiring few physical tools beyond a laptop and a desk.

10. Drop shipping

Not all companies that sell goods store them onsite. In drop shipping, people who run e-commerce sites go to a third party to fulfill all orders. The third party is likely a wholesale retailer or other entity that runs a warehouse and shipping operation.

The minimal inventory and tools needed for drop shipping make it an especially great startup idea if you’re worried about overhead and physical space.

Start a Business in Bali

How can I start my own business with no money?

You don’t need money to become a small business owner. The first step in starting a business with no money is to keep your current job and launch your small business as, for now, a side pursuit. Then, develop your business plan and analyze your consumer base, market, and potential challenges. Near the final stages of this planning, you’ll better understand how much money you need to start your business. You can find this money through crowdfunding platforms and investors. Consider taking out loans only as a last resort.

What are the most successful small businesses?

Small businesses that involve website design, a subset of digital marketing, tend to be among those that make the most sales and bring in the most profit. People now learn about businesses on the internet more often than via other avenues, so finding clients and a steady income stream isn’t usually difficult. Cleaning services and real estate businesses also have high success rates, which makes sense – all people need homes, and they prefer them clean.

How do I start a small business from home?

Home-based businesses tend to be the most convenient and manageable small business ideas. That said, not all great business ideas are suited for home offices, so make sure your business can be conducted from home – jobs with onsite needs and heavy in-person demands might not be suitable. In your business plan and budget, be sure to incorporate any office supplies and tools that make your online business ideas feasible, such as a separate business computer, a proper desk, high-speed internet, filing cabinets and a website for your business.


Picture of Evo Syah

Evo Syah

I’m a web developer, with in-depth experience in digital marketing and design, who loves to read and run in Bali.

About Me

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