A Web Design Agency in Bali.

We make beautiful websites for ambitious clients. Our mission is to provide our clients with high quality, innovative digital solutions.

Built websites across industries:
e-commerce, hospitality, and SMBs.

HOW Bali is the leading web design company in Bali. We provide effective yet affordable web design and development services to local businesses.

Startup experience and own pet products

We are an extension of your team

We’ll work closely with you to understand and support your digital goals and vision, all while maintaining that personal touch.
Dedicated manager truly owns the website development

We use only the best technology

We leverage a cutting-edge tech stack to deliver high-quality, reliable, and scalable solutions.
Expert Support

We deliver big studio capabilities

We truly value our clients. Our focus is on delivering top-notch digital solutions and building long-lasting partnerships.

If you’re looking for control,
you just found it

Our VPS hosting puts you in the driver’s seat with the tools and resources to build incredible websites.

Host unlimited domains and websites

Fill your VPS to capacity, with full access to divide and organize your server environment as you see fit.

Host unlimited domains and websites

Fill your VPS to capacity, with full access to divide and organize your server environment as you see fit.

One simple dashboard

All the tools to manage your websites, analyze performance and more are on one easy-to-use VPS dashboard.

Unlimited Bandwidth

There are no limits on the amount of traffic your VPS websites can receive so long as your website complies with our Acceptable Use Policy.

24/7 VPS Support

No matter what kind of question you have, we've likely handled it before. Our team of experts are always ready and willing to assist you.

Solid State Drives (SSD)

Much faster than standard SATA disk drives, we provide all virtual private servers with high performance SSD hard drives for lightning fast performance.

Find growth for your brand.

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